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Human Unity is the living practice where mind and emotions strive for harmony. But is the hardest task, as our world teaches us mindset and practices leading to division, inequality and exclusion. 


To every situation there are various possibilities, and we need to make decisions for the best possible one, within the existing circumstances. Our mindset is the key to change. Play this puzzle to exercise your mindset, make it flexible, open, accepting and including. Strive to take a wider perspective of togetherness rather than focusing on where the smaller details clash. 


Combine  the 4 HARMONY boxes:

GOODNESS (burgundy), SINCERITY (blue), RECEPTIVITY (orange) & HUMILITY (green).


Exploration & Reflection

Work on the floor. 


1. Organise the 400 puzzle pieces into piles with the same puzzle pieces together. You will not use any of the 4 centre pieces.​


2. Start building a pattern design by creating a centre, and build outward. Allow shapes and colours to connect one piece to the next. Your final pattern will be a square of 20 by 20 puzzle pieces. ​


If you  are 2 - 4 people playing together,  put one card at a time, taking turns and adding to each other's patterns.​​


How do we create harmony when there are so many differences in shapes and colours? Is it possible? Only a deep inner work of acceptance of difference, flexibility, inclusion, adaptability, and openness to change will a feeling of peace in the process of creating/co-creating the pattern. 


What you may notice, is that when creating the first half of the puzzle, you will find great satisfaction in the composition, and it is easier to include even peices that dont really fit in. As you build the second hald of the puzzle, it becomes more difficult to find the right places for the different puzzle pieces. Towards the end, you have to find different solutions in different places, to complete the puzzle.


3. When you have completed the pattern - stand up and look at it from different perspectives.


Do you experience a sense of peace in the who pattern once completed, or does the disharmony remain? Was harmony created because of your intention?


Reflect on the puzzle as a metaphor for humankind.


Auro.Games © 2019-2025 

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