Building a base
It's time to start building patterns! Building harmony starts from the centre outward.
You can use any of the HARMONY boxes: GOODNESS (burgundy), RECEPTIVITY (orange), SINCERITY (blue), HUMILITY (green) to play, together with the corresponding colour coded Beginner PDF.
The password to access the PDF comes with your puzzle box.
Exploration & Reflection
1. Organise the 101 puzzle pieces into piles with the same puzzle pieces together.
2. Start with patterns 31- 40 in the Beginner PDF. Can you identify which 9 puzzle pieces you need to build the patterns?
Build the patterns, starting from the centre piece and outward.
Using the same 9 pieces, can you create novel patterns of your own? ​

3. Do the same with patterns 41 - 50 in the Beginner PDF.
Can you identify which 16 puzzle pieces you need to build the patterns?
Build the patterns, starting from the centre piece and outward.
Using the same 16 pieces, can you create novel patterns of your own? ​

What did you discover was the difference between building patterns 31-40 and patterns 41-50?
Is their a different based on if the number of puzzle pieces needed is odd or even.
What is the difference and why?
How does it affect pattern building?
Where do you find harmony?