Building relationships
There is a relationship between every piece and the surrounding pieces, together they creating a pattern, and the possibilities are infinite.
You can use any of the HARMONY boxes: GOODNESS (burgundy), RECEPTIVITY (orange), SINCERITY (blue), HUMILITY (green) to play, together with the corresponding colour coded Challenge PDF.
The password to access the PDF comes with your puzzle box.
Exploration & Reflection
1. Organise the 101 puzzle pieces into piles with the same puzzle pieces together.
2. Start with patterns 51- 60 in the Challenge PDF. Select the patterns that draw you to them. Build the patterns, starting from the centre piece and outward.
3. Do the same with patterns 61 - 70 in the Challenge PDF. Select the patterns that inspire you. Start by building the centre by combining 4 puzzle pieces and build the pattern outward.
​4. Build patterns 71-80 in the challenge PDF that you find harmony in. Explore the complexity of patterns constructed with more puzzle pieces.
Observe the differences in patterns based on of the number of puzzle pieces used is odd or even.
Did you experience more harmony building with an odd or even number of puzzle pieces?