Attention to detail
Play requiring attention to detail, when the puzzle pieces have all the same parts but are different.
You can use any of the HARMONY boxes: GOODNESS (burgundy), RECEPTIVITY (orange), SINCERITY (blue), HUMILITY (green) to play, together with the corresponding colour coded Beginner PDF.
The password to access the PDF comes with your puzzle box.
Exploration & Reflection
This play is a preparation activity to allow you to discover mirror images and symmetry.
1. Sort your 101 puzzle pieces into piles with all of the same card together (see the exercise "Similarities and differences" if you are unsure). You will need the puzzle pieces with mirror images/corresponding symmetrical pieces.
2. Start with patterns 16- 20 in the Beginner PDF.
Can you identify which 4 puzzle pieces you need to match the patterns?
Match all 5 patterns.
Using the same 4 pieces, can you create novel patterns of your own?
3. Do the same with patterns 20 - 25 in the Beginner PDF.
4. Do the same with patterns 25 - 30 in the Beginner PDF.
5. If you want to explore further, create a hinged mirror and see if you can reproduce any of the patterns 16-30 using the puzzle pieces.